Tommorow’s Fish Need Help Today

Todd Corayer, one of the anglers profiled in the For Tomorrow’s Fish: Anglers Are Key to Climate-Ready Fisheries report, has additional thoughts on why the report is an important call to action.

Daniel Ritz has written a compelling report on the state of fisheries shadowed by climate change and what we, as anglers, can do to help because tomorrow’s fish need help today. Working with the American Fly Fishing Trade Association and the AFFTA Fisheries Fund, Mr. Ritz is now positioned as a sentinel for warming oceans, trumpeting his observations to all of us who use, rely on, and occasionally neglect the waters we love. For Tomorrow’s Fish: Anglers Are Key to Climate-Ready Fisheries is part data compilation, part observations from working anglers, guides, and businessmen, and part get up on a Hyde Park fish box call to action.

Read the rest of Todd’s take on the Fish Wrap Writer.