Atlantic herring hurting, fish managers look for solutions

The population of Atlantic herring has drastically declined.

NOAA Fisheries reports that the species is currently being overfished. In 2022, the total commercial catch was only 9.3 million pounds, starkly contrasting the 206 million pounds recorded in 2013. Furthermore, a 2022 stock assessment focusing on the management track revealed that the Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) in 2021 stood at 39,091 metric tons, merely around 21% of the desired biomass target.

To address declining numbers of Atlantic herring and river herring, the New England Fishery Management Council is revising the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan. The NEFMC is holding scoping meetings for the public to weigh in on Amendment 10 to the plan, which aims to minimize user conflict, contribute to optimum yield, support the rebuilding of Atlantic herring, enhance river herring and shad avoidance, and reduce catch.

Read More from Dave Monti in the Sun Chronicle.